An old man, a drum, an impressive bull, leashed.
A glance at them together, a quick click, all is well, now leave.

He expects a coin or two, mom hands out the money, the animal is docile, all is well...
I hear mom saying,
"photo dakhavu ka tumhala?" ("would you like to see the picture?"). me, shocked: oh no!
okay step forward, take a decent picture, the old man's forehead wrinkles, this is not his usual day at work. There is silence, the sound of the camera adjusting focus, the shutter closes, I can't read his mind, is he smiling?

About 4 seconds later, the bull starts to sway his head, animatedly almost vigourously now, old man turns to look at his tamed beast, he is amused. We are in its path, but we guess it does not mean to charge at us. The animal has sensed that his master is happy, and that has it expressing joy. They are happy, we smile.
Shutter closes, a step towards them, I put my hand forward, holding the camera out to show him the picture, the bull comes closer too, his wet nose is of the size of my open palm, am afraid that he'd lick my wrist and the camera, all in one swoosh.. the old man pulls the camera nearer, then looks up at me, grins, a toothless grin, a truthful one.

I manage a 'thank you'. We turn and walk away.
As we leave, we hear his drum being played, the sound of the stick rubbed not beaten,
zwugu bugu zwugu, bells ringing, the pet is happy.
An old man, a toothless smile, a pet, an obsolete leash.